D1 3 cross ridge
The cross ridge is compatible with, among others, the PD ridge tile
The cross ridge is compatible with, among others, the PD ridge tile
WN2 3 cross ridge is compatible with, among others, the PT ridge tile
WN2 3 cross ridge is compatible with, among others BZ, PP, PK, PH, PV,PZ ridge tiles
WN2 3 cross ridge is compatible with, among others, PR, PT and PF ridge tiles
Flashing Tile is available in a full range of colours.
Solar Tile is available in a full range of colours. Internal diameter: 70 mm
The right-angle chimney is available in a full range of colours. Internal diameter: 150 mm
The chimney is mounted at the 35, 40 and 90 degree roof pitch and is available in a full range of colours Internal diameter: 100 mm
The right-angle chimney is available in a full range of colours. Internal diameter: 100mm.
Dachówka przelotowa występuje w pełnej gamie kolorystycznej. Pasuje do kominka uniwersalnego solo R. Wewnęrzna średnica około 125mm